Sunday, November 6, 2011

Islas Galapagos

 Kicker Rock - I snorkeled through the channel and saw White-tipped Sharks!!
 Sea lions were EVERYWHERE!
The sunsets were absolutely gorgeous!
 Huge land iguanas!
 Me at Volcan Chico!
All the tortoises looked SO old!!
 Me and a Giant Tortoise!
INSIDE A TORTOISE SHELL! This was the coolest thing EVER! (:

I had the most amazing time of my life in the Galapagos Islands. I visited four islands: San Cristobal, Floreana, Isabela (my favorite) and Santa Cruz. I went snorkeling almost every day and was able to see Sea Turtles, Manta Rays, Sea Lions, Penguins, White-tip Sharks, Galapagos Sharks, and Marine Iguanas. As well as seeing Land Iguanas, Blue-footed Boobies, Galapagos Hummingbirds, Lava Lizards, and the Giant Tortoises! The streets were made of sand and our hotels were a couple blocks away from the beach. I got to ride on top of a chiva through the mountains and learn about the history of the islands and all of the animals living there. It wasn't filled with tourists and I felt like the islands were all mine! Now I'm ready to move there! If you ever have the chance - GO!