Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's time for my weekend in the AMAZON!

This weekend I will be traveling to the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the AMAZON! I leave from the Quito airport at 6am Friday! Yikes! And we will be traveling by plane for a very short 30 minutes, and from there taking a boat, a bus, another boat, and finally arriving to Tiputini around 3:00pm. I'm so excited to spend a few days in the rainforest with all the animals!

The Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS) is a biological field station established in Amazonian Ecuador in 1994 by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in collaboration with Boston University. They have about 1500 acres of primary lowland rainforest and it's about 200 miles east of Quito! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post them on Monday night when I return!

And on another note, tomorrow there is possibly going to be a very large rally to commemorate the police uprising of September 30, 2010 in Quito that caused a lot of problems within the government and the military against the police force of Quito (they pelted the president with tear gas, whoops). These rallies may have over 100,000 people, schools are being released early so that students are not caught in the rallies, and Americans are encouraged to stay away from certain parts of the city (it's illegal for non-Ecuadorians to protest). I've been told that the rally tomorrow is supposed to be non-violent but please remember if something does happen, I'm leaving the city at 6am - so nothing to worry about!

Have a great weekend! 

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